Say NO to Child Labour
And YES to Quality Education

Serving More Than 2000 Children And Distributing More Than 5000 Sanitary Napkins Every Month To The Marginalised Women Of Both Rural And Urban Slums

Thakurpukur Cancer Hospital
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness” – Desmond Tutu​
The visit to the Thakurpukur Cancer Hospital started in the month of December 2010. Since then we visit the little angels in the Hospital every month with colour books, colours and fruits, spend some special moments with them to rejuvenate in them the hope of life.

Basic Health & Hygiene
“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.” - Thomas Carlyle
Basic Health and Hygiene is one of the important requirement for a developmental social infrastructure needed for human resource development. Keeping this in mind My Abhilasha also focuses on providing the children with soaps, tooth pastes, tooth brushes, basic medicines (as required), etc twice a month

Spoken English
Developing one's spoken skills and confidence
My Abhilasha has introduced an exciting new speaking skills course in all its Non Formal Schools in and around Kolkata. Our Spoken English courses are available at a range of levels and are designed to develop the speaking, listening and pronunciation skills for more effective communication in social, study and professional situations. These courses will develop the confidence in using English through conversation activities, public speaking, extempore, interview skills and group discussions.

Excercise Books & Stationery​
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
My Abhilasha provides different types of stationeries to the children to bring about an upliftment in their knowledge and expression.

Celebrations – “Unity lies in diversity”
My Abhilasha believes in multiculturalism. So we not only celebrate Independence Day, Republic Day, Birthdays, Raksha Bandhan, Friendship Day, Holi but also celebrate Religious festivals like Christmas, Eid, Saraswati Puja, Durga Puja & Diwali to maintain the unity and to make the future generation aware of the ultimate thing that is ‘Humanity’

Those who can imagine anything, can create the impossible
The Importance Of Computers In Our Daily Lives. In the current world, it's almost impossible to imagine that someone can live without computers. They have become an electronic device of almost every day use for individuals of every age, and essential in almost all the business dealings that are made nowadays. Hence we are providing free Computer Classes to all the Underprivileged Children of My Abhilasha.

Enrolment in Schools and Introdution of Non Formal Schools“
Schools are for Schooling, not social engineering” – Brian Cox
​My Abhilasha has enrolled more than 100 kids in Sukanta Nagar Goyal Bati Higher Secondary School with the motive of their all-round development to meet the future challenges of life. We also look into the matter of drop outs their causes and solutions.
All children have the right to a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Hance My Abhilasha has introduced Non Formal School where all the children are engaged in studies and other co-curricular activities. It keeps them away from unnecessary activities. We have 5 Paid Teachers to take care of their over all studies.

Distribution of Educational Kits
“The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values” – William Ralph Inge.
Education is one of the most important sources of Social Infrastructure enhancing Human Resource development of any Nation. My Abhilasha distributes various types of educational kits like School Bags etc during the beginning of the session and whenever required. This is to rejuvenate the little minds with new enthusiasm and aspiration to attain their goals.

Kulgachia Brick Field
Those who can imagine anything, can create the impossible
These kids, one of them is Srawan Kumar moulds up to 200-300 bricks a day. When I asked how old he is, he shrugs and turns to his parents. "About 13 or 14," replies his mother.
There are thousands of children like Shrawan who spend the childhood working in the nearly 250 brick kilns in North 24 Parganas, Howrah and Hoogly district of West Bengal. In these brick kilns there is no concept of a school or an educational centre for child migrants.
My Abhilasha is one such Social Enterprise who has started a Non Formal School for these children working at the Kulgachia Brick field.

Donations of blankets can make a great difference to an individual or organization, especially homeless
Just imagine what a small child or an old person has to face in winter nights when they have hardly even full-sized thin clothings to cover their bodies in wide open. No heaters, no shelter, no sweaters, no blankets. Those who cannot face, die.
Lets prevent this loss. What we give, comes back to us. Lets help the needy.
All humans are our family members. How can we enjoy the warmth of heaters and jackets when our own family is shivering to death?
Every Year We Distribute More Than 1000 Blankets Among Under Privileged Children Equally.
Kulpi Brick Field:
Those who can imagine anything, can create the impossible
My Abhilasha along with Matribhumi Welfare Trust started a new School at Maa Durga Brick field, Kulpi and before Diwali we distributed Fire Crackers Rice, Dal, Maggie, Biscuits and many other basic amenities among 35 underprivileged children.
We will provide education, food and other sustainable support to all these 35 kids and kickout child labour from this brick field as well.
Thank You for your selfless help and support.


Happy Periods
A social movement of girlfriends providing menstrual hygiene kits.
Every month Team Abhilasha is holding workshop on happy periods and Menstrual Hygiene & Education workshop for girls and women of Brick Fields, farmers and other backward class young girls and women who cannot afford.
No girls will fear to go to School from now on due to the natural cycle that is the menstrual cycle and no woman will be kept at the corner of her house during her "Those" days as we distribute more than 5000 Sanitary Napkins every month.
Thank you all for your selfless help and support.

Nutritional Support
Glucon-D is the preferred choice in summer when the scorching heat drains out body glucose.
During Summer every month we Distribute GluconD Among 500 Children Of Abhilasha across all its projects. Hope The Kids Feel Relieved From This Heat And There isn't Any Dehydration. The Glucose Which Goes Out Will Be Gained Back Instantly.
Thank You For Your Support. A Long Way To Go.
Together We Can Transform Lives.
Jumai Naskar Haat:
Matri Tirtha Juvenile Home
Most of the juveniles come from underprivileged backgrounds, mostly from slums. They grow up seeing their alcoholic fathers beating up their mothers.
Most of them fall in bad company. In their urge to get away from their families, they start spending more time with their peers. That is the time when they get into drug abuse and sometimes into drug peddling or child prostitution.
During these teenage years, staying with their family is more important, but because of the abuse, they get more attracted toward the outside world.
My Abhilasha is taking care of these teenagers when they come to the juvenile justice home which is very important. We conduct counselling sessions, vocational training. We talk about the importance of family with them, we reintroduce them with education, sports and other curricular activities, provide healthy atmosphere, shelter and food as well.

New Dresses Before Durga Puja:
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own
Maa Durga belongs to everyone, yet there are some who are left isolated from these festivities. Their only fault – they were born poor and continue to live a miserable life.
Even if they wish to, their poverty does not allow them to integrate with the celebrations of the Durga puja. They stand as strangers as they watch others laughing and rejoicing the spirit of Durga puja, knowing well that they will never experience those moments. We at MY ABHILASHA have distributed over 1500 new dresses this year.
Thank you everybody for your selfless love and support.

A Sustainable Project At Buriakhop, West Sikkim:
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another
In Buriakhop MY ABHILASHA is playing a small role by supporting SHA in terms of providing basic education materials like books, copies, pen, pencil, story books, My Abhilasha also distributed sports equipment like football, badminton, skipping rope, flying disc among the kids, My Abhilasha distributes Sattu and Dalia on a regular basis apart from Sanitary Napkins after every 2 months among the marginalised women.
Thank You for your selfless help and support.

A Sustainable Project At Sarkar Brick-field, Ranaghat:
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another
We have started a project at Sarkar Brickfield, Ranaghat, with 150 underprivileged children mainly from different states who has to accompany their parents who work for the brick-field and 300 marginalized women.
MY ABHILASHA is taking care of the education and nutrition for the underprivileged children and is providing Menstrual Hygiene support through sustainable workshops.
Thank You for your selfless help and support.